Vibrance. Expression. Dancing. Singing. Movement. Chassidishkeit. energy. Fun.
Come express yourself at Tambourines, the song and dance studio where girls joyfully come together to acquire skills in these arts. Feel the power and energy of singing and dancing, with the guidance of professional instructors, in a Chassidishe atmosphere.
Singing class begins by giving the girls the opportunity to acquire proper breathing and singing skills. They practice different techniques which allows them to warm up their bodies and voices. Once ready, the girls apply the methods learnt to a variety of different Jewish songs. In addition, they are encouraged, guided, and given the ability to express themselves freely, with many different props, instruments, and mediums.
It's dance class!
Time to dance. The girls begin the class with a variety of stretches to warm up their bodies. Once ready, the dance instructor introduces a new choreograph, often accompanying a song previously learned in singing class. The dance classes include a fusion of different dance styles such as musical theatre, and ballet.
Lights, Stage, Action!
Which girl doesn't dream of performance? In Tambourines, after much hard work and effort, the girls get the opportunity to perform either on stage or in a film (or both!) Each girl receives her own solo which is hand picked according to her personality. The lights get dim, and the microphone is on. They walk on stage with much excitement and exhiliration. This is their time. The day they've been waiting for has come!
Questions? Comments?
Contact us at any time.